


Welcome to my blog, The Strawberry Fountain, where I share snippets of our life, reviews, opinions and competitions. I started writing this blog a few years back simply as a hobby, somewhere to distract myself from the stresses of teaching and parenting, a place where I could just escape and be me.

The Strawberry Fountain is now much more than just a hobby, it has become my job and one that I absolutely love. In fact it’s fair to say it has been adopted by the whole family, kids included, as they love to make sure that their thoughts and top tips are also being used when I write up reviews of the places we’ve been and the things we’ve seen.

Our eldest, Reece, often referred to as the Big’un, loves everything gaming related and can often be found in his bedroom attached to his XBox. If he isn’t there then you will either find him playing football, his other passion, or eating pizza! He is fast growing into a caring, thoughtful, young man and I am so proud to call him ours.

Our second child, Connor, is an absolute world wind.  He is always on the go and currently plays for both a rugby team and a football as well doing cross country with school. Once he is all sported out he loves nothing more than chilling with a much deserved bowl of snacks and a good film.

Then we have Layla, our newest addition, our baby girl and the missing piece of our family puzzle. Layla is a real mix of both her brothers who she absolutely adores. She too is always on the go and talks more than anyone I have ever met. She loves all things unicorn related and you can often find her surrounded by her enormous teddy collection.

My long suffering husband is also a huge part of the blog and if it wasn’t for his love, support, and ability to believe in me when I couldn’t even believe in myself then I wouldn’t be able to do what I do today and have a work life balance that I only ever thought was an urban myth!

When I am not with the children or hunched over my laptop creating content or writing reviews for the The Strawberry Fountain you will find me with my nose buried in a book, usually in the bath with a glass of gin, trying to grab five minutes piece, either there or writing yet another to do list.

I hope you like looking through my articles and if you feel you want to get involved with The Strawberry Fountain  or be featured in one of our reviews, or maybe even write for us, then please do get in touch by emailing us on thestrawberryfountain@hotmail.com

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